Well that took a while! Appologies for the wait folks but fitting the time in for all that needs to be done is a struggle. I will be adding to the website regularly and tweaking any problems as I go but here it is! Simple but effective…I hope. Thank you so much for stopping by.
In my blog, I will hopefully post some process pics and videos, talk about the day to day happenings in my workshop and let you know what I'm up to. I like to chat, especially about my daughters who are a constant inspiration to me, so thought this might be a nice place to start. If theres anything you want to ask , or a specific topic you want me to talk about, please let me know.
Here is a little pic of my lovely space that Marlon built for me AND planted all the flowers so I would have a nice view. He will be really cross that I posted this pic before cleaning the windows. Sorry Marlon…..